Eugene Paolino Serves on Power Packed Panel at Inaugural New Urbanism Conference - Quoted in NJBIZ Article
May 4, 2015 | By: Eugene T. Paolino, Esq.
Partner Eugene T. Paolino recently served as a panel member at the inaugural New Urbanism Conference, which was hosted by Rutgers Business School Center for Real Estate.
During an hour-long session, Mr. Paolino, along with a power-packed panel including Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, spoke about the development of urban waterfront areas. He discussed how the development successes that have been established on the “The Gold Coast” waterfront - including in Jersey City and Weehawken - have prompted urban development efforts further inland.
Referring to Jersey City, Mr. Paolino was quoted in an NJBIZ article about the conference saying, “(Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop's) policies have encouraged development going further west, and developers have seen the value of that… They are moving further west as well and the market is there.” To read the full article please click here.
The panel took place at the Hilton Short Hills on May 1 and featured panelists from both the public and private sectors.
Eugene T. Paolino has been involved in significant Gold Coast projects such as the McGinley Square Redevelopment and the Liberty Harbor Redevelopment Area. He specializes in Commercial Real Estate & Redevelopment, Education Law, Business Law & Commercial Transactions as well as Complex Commercial Litigation.