Rebecca Moll Freed and Jisha V. Dymond to Present Campaign Finance Seminar at Rutgers School of Law-Newark
January 24, 2013
Firm Counsel Rebecca Moll Freed and Jisha V. Dymond will present a seminar entitled, "Campaign Finance 101: Representing Companies in Connection with 2013 Elections in New Jersey and New York City," on January 28th from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Rutgers School of Law-Newark, NJ. The program is essential for any attorney representing companies seeking to participate in the political process, who should be aware of the recent case law and many changes in regulations in the tri-state area. This program, approved for 2 CLE credits (NJ, NY and PA), will cover the basics of campaign finance law as well as the following topics:
- Citizens United v. FEC, Super PACs
- Pay-to-play restrictions
- General campaign finance limits
- Public disclosure requirements
- New Jersey and New York requirements
- Recommendations for compliance with Ch. 271 and the NJ ELEC Business Entity Annual Disclosure Filing Requirement
For more information and to register please click here.