11.26.2024On Notice: Changes for Legal Notices as Print News Nears EndMunicipalities and their lawyers will soon find themselves in a bind when state laws that require them to publish legal notices in print newspapers are no longer possible to comply with as several leading print newspapers are moving to online-only.
11.18.2024Third Circuit Clarifies Procedural Roadmap to Compel ArbitrationFacing a federal lawsuit, companies with agreements that mandate arbitration of disputes must decide how to efficiently obtain an order from a federal judge compelling arbitration. The Third Circuit Court of Appeals recently clarified how to do so in the District Courts in that Circuit (New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania), correcting what the Court admitted was “a misstep we caused” in a prior decision.
07.09.2024Chevron’s Passing Likely to Reshape Labor and Employment Law as SCOTUS Questions Presumption of Agency Subject Matter ExpertiseOn June 28, 2024 the Supreme Court overruled the 40-year-old landmark ruling known as Chevron, a doctrine of administrative law that has until now required courts to defer to federal agencies’ interpretations of ambiguous statutory language. By doing so, the Court has created opportunities for court challenges to agency regulations including those issued by federal labor law and equal employment law agencies.
06.25.2024SCOTUS Requires NLRB to Meet Traditional Standards for Preliminary Injunctive Relief On June 13 the U.S. Supreme Court heightened the standard a court must apply to an NLRB request for a preliminary injunction against an employer accused of violating federal labor law. In resolving a circuit split in which courts applied different tests in determining when to grant preliminary injunctive relief, the Court held that district courts should apply the traditional, four-pronged test in determining whether to grant a preliminary injunction under Section 10(j) of the National Labor Relations Act (Act). Starbucks Corp. v. McKinney.
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